Photo © 2005, Rosalie O'Connor
What are Awareness Through Movement® (ATM) lessons?
These gentle movement group classes challenge your ways of thinking, sensing, feeling and moving to give you the power to form new options and habits in your life.
What is Functional Integration® (FI) instruction?
FI lessons are similar to ATM lessons, but instead they offer private, one-on-one instruction. In these sessions, the student is fully clothed and made gently aware of new neuromuscular connections through non-invasive touch. I provide FI instruction for a wide range of people, from musicians, athletes and retirees to children with learning challenges and physical disabilities.
Is the Feldenkrais Method® something you learn in a few sessions, or do you have to practice it regularly?
The Feldenkrais Method helps you enrich your life through becoming more aware of the numerous possibilities that already exist within you. This helps you to change movements, habits and behaviors that no longer serve you. As with any other mind/body practice – such as yoga or meditation – the more regularly Feldenkrais is practiced, the more comprehensively you’ll be able to grasp its fundamentals. But how far, or often, you want or need to follow the practice is completely up to you, and can be addressed in your first session.
As a Feldenkrais® Practitioner, can you fix my movement problems?
We Feldenkrais practitioners don’t actually “fix” anything. Instead, we help you learn how to create new physical or mental patterns that might better serve a particular function or action in your life. Many people notice great relief and increased vitality through this gentle way of looking at the whole mind/body neuromuscular connection.
Is Feldenkrais about alignment?
Feldenkrais isn’t concerned with finding a specific, prescriptive bodily alignment per se. Rather, we are more interested in developing a particular way of movement that works for you to see how it can help improve your overall alignment issues.
Is Feldenkrais exercise?
In the traditional context of burning lots of calories and getting you lean and toned, no, Feldenkrais is not exercise. But it is a crucial form of exercise for your brain. New forms of movement and awareness will challenge the “older” part of your nervous system, forcing you to think, and feel, outside your “box.” In fact, this often allows you to be more efficient and functional when engaging in your regular physical exercise routines as well.
How much does it cost?
Much like any high-quality yoga, Pilates, or meditation practice, Feldenkrais instruction is an investment in your overall well-being and health, with the added benefit of gaining education in the process. I provide all of my clients with superior, attentive instruction that gives them the opportunity for lasting, positive life change.
Awareness Through Movement (ATM) group classes online are $36 monthly subscription for unlimited classes and access to videos of ALL previous classes.
Private, individualized Functional Integration instruction
$140 for new client session
$135 for current client sessions, 60 minutes (ESA $140)
Variable for private online lessons and you will and receives a recording of the lesson
For a customized hourly, day-long or weekend Feldenkrais workshop for your business, organization, or school, please contact me with the details, and I will be happy to provide you with a quote.